Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kathleen's Stuffed Toy (The Ladies Circle)

My Little Ballerina.

Rose-Ann's Stuffed Toy (The Ladies Circle)

     My name is Blue bear.  I don't think anyone will love me as I'm not very handsome.  I'm also homeless.

Betty's Stuffed Toy (The Ladies Circle)

     Here are my little hedgehogs.  I enjoyed doing them, if I had time I would have done more.  Did you notice the B and B on the bibs?  Wait for it...they stand for Betty and Billy.

Christine's Stuffed Toy (The Ladies Circle)

     The project for the Ladies Circle was to knit or crochet a stuffed toy, so I chose these adorable hedgehogs.  At first I was going to knit my old faithful, A Teddy Bear, but then I looked at some patterns and came across the hedgehog and instantly knew I wanted to do them.  They were extremely easy to knit and took very little time, that was why I knitted a few of them and in different colours.  They already have a home to go to, the children I take care of and one or two of their friends wanted one, so bye bye hedgehogs, it was fun making you.

Amy's Stuffed Toy (The Ladies Circle)

     Here is a little toy snake I knitted myself, I am very proud of it as I am only 11 years old and it is the first toy I ever made.  It started off as a scarf and my Grandma said it could be turned into a snake.  She told me what to do and here is the result.  I hope you all like it.

Suzy's Stuffed Toy (The Ladies Circle)

     When I found out our new project was to be a soft toy, the first thing that popped into my mind was a plump little piggy.  As you can see plump little piggy became Sheena the sheep.  I used a video tutorial on how to make a mouse, changing a few things to make it more sheep appropriate.  Despite having to unravel many times I really enjoyed creating Sheena.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Betty's Jewelry

     Here is a few things I made the other day.  I love to make earrings and I wear a pair every day.

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