Question 1. Who or what introduced you to the world of crafting?
"What introduced me to the world of crafting, well when I was about 7 years old I got taught how to knit when I was in school, it was one of our lessons, I knitted slippers and a Teddy Bear and I really enjoyed it, then as I got older 12 years and up we were taught how to sew in one of our lessons, I made my own cooking apron then I made my first seersucker nightdress, it was really cool back then and when I was about 16 years I started making some of my own clothes and to this day I continue to knit teddy bears and blankets etc, I still enjoy it."
Question 2. Do you remember your first crafting project?
"My first knitting project was the teddy bear I knitted at school when I was about 7 years old and my slippers, both a biege colour, I always remember them and with the slippers I had to use 4 needles, that was a challenge then."
Question 3. If you were stranded on a desert island and allowed an endless supply of a certain craft item, what would it be and why?
"If I was stranded on a desert island and I wanted craft supplies I would like lots of wool, any colours and lots of different size needles and also crochet hooks, a pair of scissors and some darning needles. The reason I would like that is simple, not all desert islands are warm so I would knit or crochet some big blankets to keep me warm, I could also knit a couple of bags to hold the fruit that I would pick and I could crochet a blanket with bigger holes to use as a net to catch fish, so you see they would come in very handy."
Question 4. Is there something you have always wanted to learn?
"I have always wanted to learn how to knit one of those beautiful thick Arran sweaters, maybe they are easy but I never really looked into it, maybe I should."
Question 5. What project do you have going on right now and what is the next one?
"The project I have going on now is a beautiful bright yellow sunshine blanket for a friend for Christmas but I may knit this one with a new pattern and if it doesn't look nice then I will crochet it instead. I am also going to knit a couple of hats and some slippers for friends too. Will post photos when they are done."
I also learned how to sew and knit in school, for me this was in the 1970's. Nowadays I think it is more about teaching crafts in school.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was at school I remember making my cookery apron and washing, starching, and ironing a pillow case.I must have been about 12 years old when I started knitting. We did not have any money to buy knitting needles so I found two sticks and mum gave me some wool and thats how I made my first scarf. Then when I left school I saved all my money and bought my first sewing machine at 17. And to this day I still have that sewing machine. As my girls got older I went on to doing all kinds of crafts with them. And I am still knitting, sewing and crafting today. Betty x