"I was 12 years old and my Dad had not long been dead. Christmas was looming and I suppose I never thought where the money was going to come from for presents. Maybe I hoped for once, Santa might be real! One day my Aunty Ellen turned up with masses of presents, one for each of us. She handed them all out and there I was sitting on the stairs the only one without a gift. I remember saying to myself, "don't cry, don't let them know it bothers me". Aunty Ellen came over to me and said, "we haven't forgotten about you, your present is not in the shop yet, it will be here soon!" True to her word, a couple of days later she arrived with a big box which was a post office set, and I just loved it! They couldn't (they being my Aunties and Uncles who clubbed together to help my poor widowed Mammy give her 10 children a decent Christmas) have picked a better or more wanted present. Knowing what I know now of relationships, I know that was a supreme act of love on their part. I will never forget that Christmas."

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