This is George. I was given this wee Quaker parrot by some wonderful people I used to work for, the Turreffs, as a birthday present a few years ago. I was so surprised as I never thought of owning a pet of my very own, I was delighted and named him George. Every morning when I woke up I would take his cover off and say "good morning", within a few days he would say "good morning" back to me! I even taught him to say "goodnight", but the best part was when he called me "mummy", I loved it! At the end of the working day (If I didn't have him on my shoulder) I would go to my room and he would say "hello mummy", then I would let him out to walk all over the bedroom floor while I put my jammies on and got comfy on the couch. When I would sit down he would come looking for me and walk up my leg until he got to my shoulder and there he would sit for the night. I would take him away for weekends to my sis-in-law's house as Carole loved him too. I had him for 2 years, then he died, he had a bacteria around his wee heart, my poor wee baby, he was a fabulous wee bird. I just loved him and still think of him. If I could get the exact same bird I think I would get another. To my wee George, lots of love from his mummy xxx.
By Christine Neary