Question 1. Who or what introduced you to the world of sewing?
"My introduction to sewing was in primary school in England where there were classes that taught a variety of sewing projects. I remember making a yellow Humpty Dumpty pajama case, an applique collage where I chose to put in my favorite animal a horse, working on a hexagon quilt and learning how to knit. Going to school in America I made a stuffed heart for my parents that I still have. I remember wanting to do a good job because it was a gift. A couple of years later I made a skirt in Home Economics class, this stressed me out because sewing machines scare me! In my teens I would buy little inexpensive needlepoint and cross stitch kits from Woolworths. As an adult I enjoyed exploring many other sewing mediums like silk ribbon embroidery, quilting and applique with felt. I also love to crochet."
Question 2. If you were stranded on a desert island and allowed an endless supply of a certain sewing item, what would it be and why?
"Everyone is picking clever and creative things to help them survive. I'm hoping my desert island is not too deserty so I would choose something that I will never grow bored with and that is cross stitch. I would bring an endless supply of floss, aida cloth, needles, scissors and the largest book of patterns on the planet! My grass hut will not be very strong but will look very pretty decorated with all of my projects."
Question 3. Is there something you have always wanted to learn?
"I would love to learn how to use a long arm quilting machine, owning one would be nice too. The women I've seen who use them make it look so easy and relaxing, but I'm sure it takes a lot of practice. It would be the ultimate experience in helping me get over my fear of the sewing machine!"
Question 4. What project do you have going on right now and what is the next one?
"My current project is crocheting a blanket with the wool my brother Jonathan gave me for Christmas. I finished the crochet part last night and will now be chain stitching a floral design on top of the blanket. My next project is to complete a special quilt I started last year. It is made with some floral cotton material my mother bought for me many years ago that I didn't know what to do with. I have been looking forward to finishing it, I was just undecided on what design to use when stitching all the layers together. Now that I know I can happily get back to work on it."
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